Anti Aging Center

Applications In The Anti Aging Center

There are some applications made within the anti aging center. With these applications, it is aimed to reduce the effects of aging. Anti aging applications are generally more effective in the center. More useful applications are made than the anti-aging care you make yourself.

Let's start with chemical peeling first. With chemical peeling, a destructive agent is used. In this way, the skin layers are destroyed in a planned way. It is effective against conditions such as sunspots, skin disorders, acne scars and skin aging. And the most successful method in the treatment of these is chemical peeling. Usually skin problems are related to the cell thickening and dulling the skin. With peeling, the dead cells remaining on the skin are purified. And it causes the underlying undamaged skin to appear. In this way, the skin reaches a more lively and taut look. This treatment should be applied approximately once every three weeks. And four or six sessions are enough. It can then be repeated every six months or once a year.

The other of the applications made by the anti aging center is mesolift. With the mesotherapy device, many vitamins, amino acids, fruit acids are given to the skin. And in this way, the skin is revitalized and the energy of the cells increases. Moreover, four sessions per year will suffice. In addition, with this treatment, the skin becomes smooth, wrinkles disappear, skin tightening occurs, and a tight and bright appearance is formed. Besides; It can be applied to the face, neck and décolleté. And it does not disturb the natural balance of the skin, improves the quality of mimics, does not cause swelling.


One of the anti aging center applications is botox. But botox is a much more comprehensive and common procedure. It is used to remove wrinkles caused by mimics. It is a method approved by the FDA. Vee is applied without the need for surgery. Botox applications should only be made by the anti aging center. Moreover, you should make sure that the place you have it done is reliable. In addition; Thanks to Botox, forehead, wrinkles around the eyes, eyebrows and neck treatments are performed. In addition, it is a painless treatment. And you can continue your daily life immediately after the procedure. In addition, session intervals should be six months. Moreover, the doctor and the patient should decide together. But creating a natural image should be the first goal.

Botox application is performed by the anti aging center under the control of a doctor. It is not an application that requires anesthesia. In addition, it is a painless method and leaves no traces. Botox is injected into the muscles under the skin with needles. Moreover, there is no change in the application part. And it will not be a problem for you to continue your daily life. In addition, the effect of botox becomes evident between the 2nd and 7th days. And its effect lasts between three and six months on average. Moreover, after the treatment is completed, the part where botox is applied should not be touched for three hours. And after the procedure, the patient should stay upright for 2-3 hours.

Facial Rejuvenation With PRP

It is a method developed by the French. Let's talk about the name first. Plasma Rich Platelet Injection is called PRP for short. Moreover, with this method, a new era has begun in skin rejuvenation methods. And serum is obtained from the person's blood by centrifugation. The part rich in growth factors and platelets is separated. It is injected into the face, neck and décolleté together with the mesotherapy device. In this method, no foreign substance enters the skin from the outside. Fresh cells obtained from the person's own blood are given to the person himself. In addition, there are no side effects on the face or anywhere. There are no situations such as redness, bruising, mimic inhibition.

PRP treatment is done 3 sessions a year. The interval between three sessions is 1 month. And the person's skin age becomes younger by almost five years. Moreover, thanks to growth factors, the skin is revitalized. And intensive collagen production begins again. In addition; With PRP, sagging on the skin, wrinkles and pores are eliminated. Besides; brighter, smoother and more beautiful skin is formed. And many problems are solved with PRP, which uses one's own blood. PRP treatment; It is good for acne scars, cracks, wounds, surgical scars, burn scars, skin and sun spots due to weight gain or heightening during cooling.

Anti Aging Effective Cures

There are natural methods as well as anti-aging products or treatments. These methods include masks or cures. Moreover, there are many things you can do at home this way. And one of these cures is ginseng lemon tea cure. A teaspoon of ginseng root and the outer peel of a lemon are used for this mixture. In addition, the outer peel of the lemon is cut into small pieces. And this mixture is boiled with two glasses of water for fifteen minutes. And you can drink.

Another cure is turmeric paste. For this, a spoonful of black pepper is added to half a glass of powdered turmeric. And the mixture of the two is boiled in a glass of water for about ten minutes. Additionally, add a third of a cup of coconut oil to this mixture. Finally, it is mixed well. And the resulting paste is stored in the refrigerator. A teaspoon is added to products such as milk, yogurt, soup. And so it is consumed.

Finally, let's continue with the starch cure. For this, a tablespoon of starch and half a glass of cold water are mixed. Add half a glass of boiling water to it. And this mixture is boiled for about fifteen minutes. It waits for a while to cool down when removed from the stove. Finally, add five tablespoons of carrot juice and one tablespoon of cream to the cooled mixture. This peeling is applied to the face and left for thirty minutes. Moreover, it is applied in three layers. One layer is applied, waited for ten minutes and the second layer is applied. Then it is driven on the third floor in this way. And after waiting for ten minutes on the third floor, you can rinse your skin with warm water.

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